Remember When

Remember When – Sept. 9, 2023

125 Years Ago: From the Sept. 15, 1898 Scott County Argus

Ring & Fischer, of the Shakopee stone works, announce that they have secured contracts for cement sidewalks along the north side of Second street, for two solid blocks, from the post office to the Fred Scherkenbach residence. Dr. H. P. Fischer will have 3 ½ lots paved, E. L. Welch has ordered 50 feet, Mrs. Pauline Heidenreich and Mrs. Peter Mergens will also have the cement blocks, and Fred Scherkenbach has ordered 120 lineal feet, in addition to a walk inside the grounds. They have also contracted for a walk 65 feet in length for Nic Heger, which is to be laid with cement curbing. Then too, they have taken the contract for forty yards of walk and cement steps at the Theodore Weiland residence. The work of laying the cement along Second street will be begun at once and pushed to rapid completion. The improvement will be very marked, and it is to be hoped that it will prove such a fine advertisement for the cement paving that board walks will be relegated to the receding past where they belong.

100 Years Ago: From the Sept. 13, 1923 Shakopee Tribune

Work was begun last week on a new five room, story and a half residence for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dellwo and family. It will be a frame structure, lumber is being furnished by the Simons Lumber Co. Mr. Dellwo is doing the work and expects to complete it this fall.

75 Years Ago: From the Sept. 9, 1948 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

898 Pupils In City’s 3 Schools

Breaking all previous first day enrollment figures, 898 pupils were registered in Shakopee’s three schools as the institutions opened Tuesday, school authorities disclosed.

The total was 55 above the 833 registered on the first day of school last year, which up to that time was the highest of record, it was learned…

Late registrations, additions of new families to the community and transfers to from other schools may push the total for the three schools close to the 1,000 mark before the term is many weeks old, authorities said.

50 Years Ago: From the Sept. 12, 1973 Shakopee Valley News

Courthouse proposal passes 2-1

A proposal to construct a new Scott County courthouse was approved by Scott County voters by greater than a 2-1 margin Tuesday in a light turnout at the polls.

Vote totals on the bond issue were 2,124 for, 968 against.

Voters in each of Shakopee’s four wards overwhelmingly approved the bond issue, while in other areas, such as Savage, Sand Creek, New Market Village, Elko and Blakely, the proposal won out by narrow margins…

By Wes Reinke

Professionally, I enjoy building and maintaining websites, and work in IT, with passions in software and system support, development, administration, and automation. One is never too old to learn and apply new skills! Outside of my IT world, I have various interests, including local history.

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