Remember When

Remember When – Jan. 25, 2025

150 Years Ago: From the Jan. 28, 1875 Shakopee Argus

On the night of the Banquet some one took through mistake a fine table cloth belonging to Mrs. Condon. Another table cloth left in its place, is now at Mr. Storer’s store. The party who has taken the wrong table cloth will please return it.

125 Years Ago: From the Jan. 25, 1900 Scott County Argus

This week there has been a change of plans in regard to the new meat market, which Peter Schank and Aug. P. Lins were to open in the Argus block, as announced last week. The lease has been surrendered, and the matter now stands in status quo.

125 Years Ago: From the Jan. 26, 1900 Shakopee Tribune

Henry Mergens was a passenger to the twin cities Wednesday for the purpose of purchasing a set of tinner’s tools and machinery. He has rented the Ries building formerly occupied by J. C. Marx, where he will soon open a general repair and tin shop.

100 Years Ago: From the Jan. 30, 1925 Shakopee Argus

Purchased Interest In Local Oil Station

Last Friday a partnership was formed between B. P. Johnson and Leo Marschall, the latter having purchased one half interest in the new filling station owned and conducted by the former. Less than a year ago Mr. Johnson completed the new station and along about the middle of last April he opened for business. From the first the business began to grow and it grew steadily until it had reached a stage where he could no longer handle it alone satisfactorily, hence he decided to take on a partner…

100 Years Ago: From the Jan. 29, 1925 Shakopee Tribune

Upon hearing rumors about town that the American Range Corporation had purchased the Shakopee Stove Co. of this city, we checked the matter up with Louis R. Rolfe, manager of the American Range Corporation and he informed us that the rumor was premature. He stated, however, that negotiations are being made in this connection but as yet are not completed.

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 26, 1950 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

New Public School Assured As Voters Approve Bonds

In one of the heaviest votes ever cast in a school election here, 913 ballots were recorded with 702 favoring and 211 opposing the bond issue.

The outcome was virtually a complete reversal of balloting on the same proposition last July when 867 voters went to the polls with 487 voting “no” and 380 voting “yes.”…

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 26, 1950 Shakopee Valley News

Minneapolis-Shakopee Highways Is Heaviest Traveled Rural Road

Heaviest traveled undivided lane highway in the rural area of Minnesota is the Shakopee-Minneapolis highway, No. 212 and 169 according to traffic count totals reported by the Minnesota highway department this week.

The count made at the automatic recorder station located three miles northeast of Shakopee registered a daily average of 6,610 cars for the three lane road – the famous “bottleneck” between Shakopee and Minneapolis- It was an increase of 5.5 per cent over 1948…

50 Years Ago: From the Jan. 29, 1975 Shakopee Valley News

Rodeo will be replaced

Shakopee Chamber of Commerce board of directors, at a meeting Monday, voted unanimously to discontinue the rodeo as part of the Shak-O-Valley Day celebration. Rodeos had been a part of the annual event for the past dozen years.

Loss of revenue, conflicting dates and poor local attendance were cited as primary reasons for discontinuing the event. The Lions convention, Fireman’s convention and graduation all fall on the dates planned for this year, June 6-7…

25 Years Ago: From the Jan. 27, 2000 Shakopee Valley News

Track card club wins approval

Since everything there was to say or ask apparently had been said or asked, the Minnesota Racing Commission’s approval of a card club at Canterbury Park in Shakopee last week was an anticlimactic nonevent.

On a unanimous vote with no significant discussion, the commission approved the plan of operation for the card club of Jan. 19. The vote was a culmination of public hearings and dozens of behind-the-scenes meetings involving the city, track officials, the state Gambling Control Board, Shakopee police, and the Racing Commission…

Interested in local history? Find even more at the Shakopee Heritage Society website.

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Remember When

Remember When – Jan. 18, 2025

150 Years Ago: From the Jan. 21, 1875 Shakopee Argus

To Let—A job of grading in the township of Eagle Creek. Apply to Frank McGrade.

125 Years Ago: From the Jan. 18, 1900 Scott County Argus

The new poles are being put in place by the telephone crew. The route will be the same as at present, the council having rescinded its action giving them the right to follow Lewis street to the school house, and thence out of town by way of Sixth. The only change in appearance, then, will be in the increased hight and improved appearance of the poles and guys, and the manner of stringing the wires. Through the business district the poles will be about forty feet high, planed and painted and straight as an arrow. Each carries two crossbars 12 feet long, capable of carrying a dozen wires each.

125 Years Ago: From the Jan. 19, 1900 Shakopee Tribune

Peter Schank has this week leased the room recently vacated by Druggist M. A. Deutsch in the old Argus block and he will in the near future open a meat market. Mr. Schank is a very experienced butcher and well known in this community, and as his location promises to give us a model meat market, under a good management, success is assured.

100 Years Ago: From the Jan. 23, 1925 Shakopee Argus

Tuesday night’s storm caused the Sherman Turner home to be “snowbound.” When Mr. Turner prepared to take his car out, found it impossible to get it thru the snow to town where he hired a team in order to deliver the mail.

100 Years Ago: From the Jan. 22, 1925 Shakopee Tribune

A committee of local business men representing the Shakopee Business Men’s Bureau called on the owners of a steel door manufacturing plant in St. Paul Monday, to discuss with the members of this firm a proposition relative to moving their plant to Shakopee. No definite decision was reached and it is probable further conferences will be held.

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 19, 1950 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Moldenhauer in New Location on W. First Street

With the expiration of his lease on the Hartmann building where he has operated a food market for the past five years, A. C. Moldenhauer has moved his market to a new location in the former Shoenecker market on W. First street…

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 19, 1950 Shakopee Valley News

Gene Autry Leave Train At Shakopee Last Saturday Morning, Continues Trip By Taxi

Local spectators who happened to be in the vicinity of the Omaha depot here Saturday were google-eyed to see Gene Autry and his troupe—minus Champion. (For the benefit of adults in town, Champion appears to be the name of a horse that accompanies the western movie star).

Autry was enroute to Minneapolis on the early morning train from Omaha. However, the train was delayed at Shakopee when a coach had to be side-tracked for repairs.

After waiting for nearly an hour, Autry began to doubt if he would make his radio broadcast on schedule in Minneapolis so he called Les Brown of the Shakopee Taxi Service. Brown drove the party into Minneapolis.

50 Years Ago: From the Jan. 22, 1975 Shakopee Valley News

Good neighbor pharmacy policy at Eastman Drug

Keith Eastman, Pharmacist-owner of Eastman Drug in the Shakopee Shops Center called attention to the new Good Neighbor Pharmacy policy now in effect at Eastman Drug this week.

The Shakopee drug store is now a member of the Good Neighbor Pharmacy Organization that combines buying power in offering unique sales promotions.

“Shoppers often are lured by one-day promotions, special sales events, etc.,” said Eastman, while calling attention to the fact that Good Neighbor Pharmacy drug stores offer two-week sales.

According to the plan, shoppers aren’t restricted to one or two day sales, but rather a genuine two-week period of special name brand merchandise at real discount prices…

Interested in local history? Find even more at the Shakopee Heritage Society website.

Remember When

Remember When – Jan. 11, 2025

150 Years Ago: From the Jan. 14, 1875 Shakopee Argus

Mr. J. W. Whitmore of the City Shoeing Shop, is erecting a new shop to be occupied by him, on the lot opposite to his former place of business.

125 Years Ago: From the Jan. 11, 1900 Scott County Argus

Last Monday afternoon Mr. Peterson, lessee of the Druke farm near the high trestle, set fire to some corn stalks in a field, and the fire ran through the meadow to a group of haystacks, about fifteen in number, and burned every one of them to the ground. August Vogel was the heaviest loser. 40 tons owned by him were destroyed, and 15 tons belonging to Mr. Schoolmeister were burned. There was some insurance on the property, but the loss is still an appreciable one.

125 Years Ago: From the Jan. 12, 1900 Shakopee Tribune

At the regular meeting of the common council held last Tuesday evening the Packing House was finally transferred to Jacob Schank by a vote of 9 years and no nays. The Bell Telephone Company was granted a franchise to erect poles along Lewis street, removing those on First street. Two ordinances to regulate peddlers, shows and auctioneers were passed.

100 Years Ago: From the Jan. 16, 1925 Shakopee Argus

Will Open New Venture Here

On another page of issue will be found an ad to the effect that Miss Jean Budde will open a Beauty Parlor in the rear of the Brunswick Music Shop in the John Berens building, next Monday, January 19.

The Beauty parlor has been tastily decorated in blue and white, with a separate booth and prettily appointed waiting room…

100 Years Ago: From the Jan. 15, 1925 Shakopee Tribune

Jos. C. Munsch Sporting New Delivery Wagons

Jos. C. Munsch has replaced his old milk delivery wagons with two new handsome wagons which are exact duplicates in appearance and construction. These new wagons are nicely printed in white and trimmed with red and gray borders. The Holstein trade mark in four colors appears on each side of both of the wagons…

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 12, 1950 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

School Board Sets Bond Election Date

Voters of Independent School District No. 1 will vote Jan. 12 on a new $140,000 bond issue, to supplement the present funds for enlarging and modernizing the public school on its present site…

If the contemplated election carries, plans will be continued for a new, modern building, using the present 1929 section as a nucleus. The sections build in 1880 and 1907 would be torn down. Bids will be received immediately if the proposal is voted, school board members said, and construction could easily be started by March 1.

50 Years Ago: From the Jan. 15, 1975 Shakopee Valley News

Lt. Gov. presents official Bicentennial flag, certificate to city council Tuesday

Lieutenant Governor Rudy Perpich appeared before the Shakopee Common Council Tuesday evening, making the official presentation of the American Revolution Bicentennial flag and certificate to city officials. George Muenchow and Ray Foslid accepted on behalf of the city…

25 Years Ago: From the Jan. 13, 2000 Shakopee Valley News

Children’s pediatric unit opens at medical center

Shakopee’s St. Francis Regional Medical Center entered a new era last week with the opening of a pediatric unit staffed by Children’s Hospitals and Clinics.

Children’s St. Francis, which opened last week on Wednesday, will serve a growing population of young people, said officials from Children’s and St. Francis…

The Children’s unit will care for hospitalized babies, children and teens. Young patients admitted for common illnesses, such as asthma, flu and respiratory viruses, will be placed in the pediatric unit, as will those recovering from surgery, such as routine ear, nose and throat procedures. The Shakopee unit will also care for youngsters hospitalized for minor injuries…

Interested in local history? Find even more at the Shakopee Heritage Society website.

Remember When

Remember When – Jan. 4, 2025

150 Years Ago: From the Jan. 7, 1875 Shakopee Argus

The “American House” barely escaped being destroyed by fire on Tuesday last, owing to a defective flue. One straw bed was burned, when it was discovered and the fire extinguished.

125 Years Ago: From the Jan. 4, 1900 Scott County Argus

The new engine is being put in place in the Jacob Ries Bottling works this week. It is double the power of the old one and will add much to the efficiency of the manufacturing department.

125 Years Ago: From the Jan. 5, 1900 Shakopee Tribune

Henry Mergens has severed his connection with E. J. Gellenbeck, where he has been employed as foreman in the tin and repair shop for the 15 years past. He has not decided as to what he will do in the future but intends to follow up his trade. The long experience and practice has made him a peer in that profession. We sincerely wish him success in his future occupation.

100 Years Ago: From the Jan. 9, 1925 Shakopee Argus

The Shakopee A. C.’s will meet a speedy aggregation in the South St. Paul Hook ’Em Cows on the Dawson floor Sunday afternoon. Both teams have kept intact during the holidays and have gotten in strenuous practice and both are expected to do exceptional work in Sunday’s game. January 11th is the date and 2:30 P. M. the time.

100 Years Ago: From the Jan. 8, 1925 Shakopee Tribune

John A. Duffy to Open Law Office in Shakopee

Shakopee now can boast of a new lawyer, as John A. Duffy, who has resided in Savage, this county, practically all of his life, opened an office in the Southworth Block today. Mr. Duffy is well known to all of our readers especially those who reside in Scott County and he has a host of friends who wish him the best of success in his new professional venture…

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 5, 1950 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Miklethun Moves to New Location on First Street

Miklethun Motors has moved to its new location in the former Anderson garage building on E. First street.

Although the planned remodelling of the structure will not be completed until later, the mechanical department is in full operation, Larry Miklethun, owner, said this week.

The present staff, which includes Harold Huss and Cyril Sames, has been augmented by the addition of August Schesso, who was formerly employed in the Anderson garage. The service department has been expanded…

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 5, 1950 Shakopee Valley News

Night Parking on Streets Illegal

Motorists were asked not to park their cars at night on the streets in Shakopee’s business district during the winter by Edgar Bolz, street superintendent and R. G. “Pat” Theilen, chief of police. They pointed out that it is not only seriously interferes with the work of the snow removal crews but also violates a city ordinance. If necessary, tow trucks will be called to tow the cars away with the owner getting assessed the costs.

50 Years Ago: From the Jan. 8, 1975 Shakopee Valley News

To open Shakopee office

H & R Block, Inc., America’s largest income tax service announced this week the opening of an office at 415 1st Avenue in Shakopee. The firm operates over 6,000 offices throughout the United States and Canada.

Manager of the Shakopee office, Donald L. Mueller, is a Minneapolis native with three years of income tax experience as a consultant…

25 Years Ago: From the Jan. 6, 2000 Shakopee Valley News

Problems delay renovation of county courthouse

Although the link between the new Scott County Justice Center and the old Government Center has been opened, the renovation of the first phase of the 26-year-old building is running behind schedule.

Depending on what facets of the first phase of the $3.7 million construction project are examined, construction is anywhere from four to 10 weeks behind schedule, said county Deputy Administrator Gary Shelton.

The main causes of the delays, Shelton said, involve unforeseen mechanical problems and also materials which have taken far longer to deliver and install than previously anticipated…

Interested in local history? Find even more at the Shakopee Heritage Society website.