Remember When

Remember When – Nov. 27, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Dec. 3, 1896 Scott County Argus

Geo. W. Sencerbox found his Thanksgiving a little marred by the depredation of thieves who stole 25 fine turkeys from his farm in Eagle Creek. Reports of such thieving are becoming monotonous from their regularity. Something ought to be done. A law which gives $200 for the capture of a horse thief while nothing goes for the apprehension of a chicken thief, much harder to capture, is not quite satisfactory. If this thief would but return the turkeys Mr. Sencerbox would probably be willing to exchange a horse for the, for he could sell the turkeys and no one can sell a horse at present.

100 Years Ago: From the Dec. 1, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

W. F. Davy Co. Adds To Store

New Basement Department to Be Opened Next Saturday Morning, December 3.

An important addition will be made to the business community of Shakopee with the opening of a Basement Store by the W. F. Davy Co. This is an added feature to the store which will not in any way effect the present high standard which prevails throughout the upstairs store…

This basement store will be a splendid new feature. It is well lighted and heated and the air ventilation is especially good. Merchandise with the prices marked on them will be placed on tables so that people can practically wait on themselves. This will eliminate considerable of the overhead expense which is necessary in the upstairs store, consequently it is only feasible that greater bargains may be had in this new basement store. Mr. Davy has announced that this new department is to open Saturday morning, December 3rd. Many special features are arranged for the opening day, such as a Coffee Demonstration and the giving away of presents to the boys and girls and also to the ladies visiting this new department.

75 Years Ago: From the Nov. 28, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

“Brown Out” Puts Ban on Street Yule Decorations

Abandonment of plans for the decorating and lighting of the streets of the Shakopee business district for the holiday season appeared likely in the face of the nationwide coal crisis, Mayor J. J. Cavanaugh disclosed this week.

Because of the shortage of coal used in the generating of electric energy, Governor Thye has asked all communities in the state to limit consumption of electricity to essential needs only.

Mayor Cavanaugh said the governor’s request calls for a “brown out” of advertising signs and curtailment in the general consumption of electric energy.

50 Years Ago: From the Dec. 1, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

County Building Bond Issue Fails

Scott County voters turned thumbs down on a county bond issue proposal to provide $995,000 for construction of a county courts building in a special election Tuesday.

The balloting was close, however, with 1,833 “no” votes outnumbering the “yes” votes by a margin of 198.

25 Years Ago: From the Nov. 28, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

Junior high passes honors hurdle

It’s among four competing to become a Blue Ribbon School

The application form was more than 40 pages long. It took a writing team from Shakopee Junior High School well over 150 hours to complete the nomination form…

Shakopee Junior High School was one of four “middle schools” in Minnesota which passed the first hurdle on their way to becoming a Blue Ribbon School…

By Wes Reinke

Professionally, I enjoy building and maintaining websites, and work in IT, with passions in software and system support, development, administration, and automation. One is never too old to learn and apply new skills! Outside of my IT world, I have various interests, including local history.

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