Remember When

Remember When – Sept. 25, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Oct. 1, 1896 Scott County Argus

Shakopee grows and keeps growing. Plans have been drawn and accepted, and the contract will be let at once for a handsome two story residence to be erected this fall for John P. Ring on the two lots he recently purchased in block 56. The site is on Fourth street west of Mrs. Haus’ and across the way from the Jacob Ries Jr. residence. The new structure is designed by Architect Fritz Rohlfs and is as tasty and up-to-date as could be desired. The dimensions are 22×42, the front being two stories high and the rear a story and a half. On the first floor is a spacious hall, four rooms and a bath room, and above are four rooms and an alcove. A large bay window adorns the west side, and the front is especially ornate and attractive. It will make a very desirable improvement in that part of the city.

100 Years Ago: From the Sept. 29, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

About thirty girls of the younger social set have organized a club and rented club rooms on the second floor of the Berens building above the Public Rest rooms. A meeting will be held this evening to complete arrangements.

75 Years Ago: From the Sept. 26, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

City Council Buys $13,000 Fire Truck

50 Years Ago: From the Sept. 29, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

Building Improvement Tax Incentive Asked

To Help Beautification Work…

The Shakopee City Council was asked Tuesday night to consider giving business property owners some sort of tax incentive if they made improvements.

Virgil Mears, spokesman for the Shakopee Chamber of Commerce Beautification Committee said that during the committee’s study of the beautification and improvement of downtown, it had been told by businessmen that they held back on improvements due to concern over resultant increases in property taxes…

City Administrator Morris Anderson said the city could take two avenues of approach to the problem. It could do as Cloquet is doing … simply establishing a policy of not charging the property owner with tax increase if the change is designated as a maintenance improvement.

Or, he said, the city could request the legislature to pass a bill allowing the city to defer taxes on certain classes and ages of property upon which maintenance improvements are made.

After some discussion of the possibilities of getting a bill introduced during the special session coming up Oct. 12, the issue was referred to the executive committee for study…

25 Years Ago: From the Sept. 26, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

$11 million plan for Justice Center approved by county

Taxes won’t rise to fund it

The Scott County Board Tuesday approved the recommendation of the Justice Center Planning Committee, calling for an $11 million budget for the facility which will not result in increased taxes.

Construction is scheduled to begin next year, and take about a year for completion. After the opening of the Justice Center, which will be built next to the existing courthouse, remodeling of vacated space in the courthouse will take place…

By Wes Reinke

Professionally, I enjoy building and maintaining websites, and work in IT, with passions in software and system support, development, administration, and automation. One is never too old to learn and apply new skills! Outside of my IT world, I have various interests, including local history.

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