Remember When

Remember When – May 4, 2024

150 Years Ago: From the May 7, 1874 Shakopee Argus

Upon the plaintiff’s application the case of Thomas A. Holmes against Scott County to recover the Court House Block, the place of trial was changed from Scott County to Carver County.

125 Years Ago: From the May 4, 1899 Scott County Argus

The City Brickyard is undergoing improvements and new machinery is being put in place, preparatory to the season’s run. A new tempering mill has been added, its use being to grind the clay to a finer consistency before it goes into the press, thus making the brick harder and better.

125 Years Ago: From the May 5, 1899 Shakopee Tribune

Dr. Fischer has grown tired waiting for a public park and has started his own. He has planted a row of white cedar on the south and west sides of his already well shaded lawn, which will in course of time make a beautiful park. It is centrally located and will in due time have an ostentatious appearance.

100 Years Ago: From the May 9, 1924 Shakopee Argus

New Grandstand Contract Awarded

At a meeting of the Riverside Athletic Ass’n last Saturday evening four separate bids for the construction of a grand-stand at Riverside Park were considered. A. F. Huth’s bid to furnish all necessary material and erect the structure in accordance with the plans and specifications for the sum of $2394 was the lowest and was accepted.

Tuesday a contract was entered into with Mr. Huth and work was begun at once. The contract to build the abutments and concrete foundation was sublet to C. J. Cassellius who is already well along with his part of the work. The contract calls for a completed job on or before May 29, so that it may be ready for occupancy on Memorial Day at which time it is planned by the Shakopee Baseball Club to play the first game of the season.

The grand-stand when fully completed, will cost substantially $2,500.

100 Years Ago: From the May 8, 1924 Shakopee Tribune

Hubert J. Pass purchased a half interest in the shoe repair shop owned and operated by John Czaia. The partnership was formed and became effective on May 1.

75 Years Ago: From the May 5, 1949 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

New Owner of Huss Foundry

To be known as the Shakopee Foundry, the plant formerly operated by Leo Huss east of here, is now under management of Ben Krawiecke of Mora.

The new owner took the place over in April and workmen are now getting organized to handle custom casting work in gray iron and aluminum…

75 Years Ago: From the May 5, 1949 Shakopee Valley News

Board Acts To Replace Jail, Residence With Modern Structure

That Scott county’s antique jail and sheriff’s residence will finally be replaced seemed likely this week as the County Board of Commissioners started preliminary steps toward that action.

In a resolution passed unanimously after long debate at their regular meeting Tuesday, the board voted to hire an architect to present proposals and specifications for a new structure.

The present jail, built about 73 years ago, has been roundly condemned by both the federal and state inspectors of institutions for several years. The last Scott county grand jury, convened about three years ago, condemned the building in very strong language…

50 Years Ago: From the May 8, 1974 Shakopee Valley News

Tahpah Park is winning contest entry

The city’s athletic complex on Co. Rd. 15 near the swimming pool has a new name now, and Marilyn Ries is $30 richer for submitting it.

The land is now called Tahpah Park.

The Shakopee Jaycees sponsored a Name the Park contest which ended last week. There were 600 entries.

Mrs. Ries said she had called the Minneapolis Public Library to find the meaning of Sioux Indian words in coming up with her winning name.

Tahpah means “ball” in Sioux, she was told, and the judges liked that name best…

25 Years Ago: From the May 6, 1999 Shakopee Valley News

Health concerns will close pool for summer

Citing concerns over the ability of pump and filtration systems to safeguard swimmers from possible health risks, the Shakopee City Council ordered the Municipal Pool in Lions Park closed for the 1999 summer season.

On Tuesday night, the council voted unanimously to close the pool and investigate the cost of repairs needed to the 30-year-old sand-bottom pool…

Interested in local history? Find even more at the Shakopee Heritage Society website.

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By Wes Reinke

Professionally, I enjoy building and maintaining websites, and work in IT, with passions in software and system support, development, administration, and automation. One is never too old to learn and apply new skills! Outside of my IT world, I have various interests, including local history.

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