Remember When

Remember When – March 4, 2023

125 Years Ago: From the March 10, 1898 Scott County Argus

C. L. Wilcox and B. J. Gentgen are at work papering the ceiling and walls of the county commissioners’ room and register of deed’s office at the court house. Both are papered in decidedly green tints, that in the registrar’s office being very naturally as bright a hue as the Emerald Isle itself, while the darker walls of the commissioners’ room should find favor in the sight of Commissioners Mahoney and Hyland. It need hardly be added that the rooms are both attractively neat in their “new rolls.”

100 Years Ago: From the March 8, 1923 Shakopee Tribune

Fire Causes Heavy Loss

Minnesota Stove Co. Sustains Huge Loss from Fire in Local Plant.

A destructive fire broke out last Thursday evening in the local plant of the Minnesota Stove Co., causing a heavy loss to the company.

The fire started about nine o’clock Thursday evening from an unknown cause, in the crating and shipping room. Men at work in the building at the time, tried their utmost to extinguish the flames, before they could gain any headway, however their efforts proved futile and in a short time the fire reached a barrel of paint and an explosion followed. Flames then spread rapidly and the fire had gained considerable headway before the arrival of the fire department, which was on the scene in a very short time…

Three buildings, including the crating and shipping room, where the fire originated, the mounting room on the east and the large warehouse on the west of it, were totally destroyed with all their contents, before the fire was under control…

The molding room and the enameling plant remained intact and work in these departments was resumed Monday morning. A temporary mounting room was improvised in a section of the molding room to be used at present until other arrangements are completed…

75 Years Ago: From the March 4, 1948 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

To Open New Car Agency, Garage in Shakopee April 1

L. M. Miklethun, Minneapolis, completed negotiations Monday in preparation for the opening of new automotive business in Shakopee, it was learned.

Mr. Miklethun disclosed that he had leased from Captain L. A. Ketterer the former Walter Wermerskirchen property on East First street where he will conduct a Pontiac car agency and garage.

Plans provide for the erection of a building on the vacant portion of the property, west of the Shakopee bakery, early in spring. Launching of the new business, however, is scheduled for April 1.

Present buildings on the site will be used as the office, display room and garage until the new structure is erected, Miklethun said.

50 Years Ago: From the March 7, 1973 Shakopee Valley News

Shopping Center May Be In Jackson, But Several ‘Ifs’ Need More Study

A proposal to construct a shopping center immediately west of Shakopee in Jackson Township was met with tentative approval by Jackson Township officials at a special meeting Monday evening, as engineers prepare to undertake studies to determine the feasibility of supplying the proposed complex with sewer and water services from Shakopee.

The studies will be undertaken upon the recommendation of Shakopee City Engineer Leo Olson, whose preliminary study of the existing sewer system on Shakopee’s west side has raised the question of whether the shopping center could best be served by an extension of the present system or by a direct connection with the system…

25 Years Ago: From the March 5, 1998 Shakopee Valley News

Board approves new school land purchase

A new elementary school in Shakopee is a step closer to becoming reality after the School Board approved the purchase of land for the facility on Monday.

The district will finalize a purchase agreement with property owners Greg and Gary Kerkow for a 21.7-acre parcel east of St. Francis Regional Medical Center…

The city of Shakopee will need approximately three acres of the school site to extend 17th Avenue, Ostlund said. The grade school lot will border on a city park, as a result of an agreement between the city and the school district…

By Wes Reinke

Professionally, I enjoy building and maintaining websites, and work in IT, with passions in software and system support, development, administration, and automation. One is never too old to learn and apply new skills! Outside of my IT world, I have various interests, including local history.

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