Remember When

Remember When – Feb. 5, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Feb. 11, 1897 Scott County Argus

Yesterday C. F. Wicke sold his interest in the Globe Hotel to John Leidgen, who took possession to day and is now welcoming the coming and speeding the parting guests that have been stopping at that hostelry in increasing numbers of late. Mr. Leidgen is himself a cook of unquestioned skill and has the energetic qualities that should fit him for a model landlord. Adding to his own abilities those of his wife, the future can hardly fail to place the Globe on the top round of success. Mrs. Wicke will remain here for the present, while Mr. Wicke will go to Wisconsin to accept a position sealing logs.

100 Years Ago: From the Feb. 9, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Local League of Women Voters Organized

A meeting held Monday afternoon at the Public Rest rooms for the purpose of organizing a branch of the League of Women voters, in this city, was attended by about twenty-five ladies and proved a very interesting meeting.

Mrs. Eli Southworth read a paper prepared by Mr. Southworth, on City Government which was very interesting and instructive. Mr. Southworth was present and explained all civic questions any one present wished to ask.

The League was duly organized and will hold monthly meetings on the first Monday of the month at the Rest rooms.

75 Years Ago: From the Feb. 6, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Offer $100 Reward for Apprehension of Careless Driver

A reward of $100 for information leading to the apprehension and conviction of the motorist who drove over a fire hose here Saturday afternoon is being offered by the Shakopee fire department, H. J. Pass, fire chief announced Tuesday.

According to the fire chief, the offender drove a 1932 Chevrolet over a fire hose at the rear of the First National bank while firemen were fighting a fire in the building.

The hose was cut and rendered useless and the loss of the water supply might easily have resulted in a devastating blaze…

50 Years Ago: From the Feb. 9, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Bond Issue for Junior High Defeated

Voters Turn Out in Record Numbers…

Voters of Shakopee School District 720 left little doubt Tuesday about not wanting to stand the expense of a new junior high school, crushing the $4,160,000 bond issue by more than a 2 ½ to 1 margin.

A record number of voters turned out, as 2,399 went to the polls. That number far eclipsed the previous high district school bond issue total of 1400. “No” voters totaled 1732, and “Yes” voters numbered 667…

25 Years Ago: From the Feb. 6, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

MPCA, Rahr reach ‘trade’ agreement for waste-water discharge in river

Rahr Malting Co. in Shakopee and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) have reached a unique agreement in which the company will have the flexibility to “trade” discharge limits on the waste water it produces. MPCA officials said this week the water discharge permit is one of the first in the nation to include the concept of “trading.”

In exchange for a permit to discharge waste water into one part of the Minnesota River from Rahr’s malting facility in Shakopee, the company will be required to reduce the emission of pollutants going into other parts of the river, primarily from agricultural land uses. The net effect, said MPCA officials, will be to lower the total pollutants in the river…

By Wes Reinke

Professionally, I enjoy building and maintaining websites, and work in IT, with passions in software and system support, development, administration, and automation. One is never too old to learn and apply new skills! Outside of my IT world, I have various interests, including local history.

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