Remember When

Remember When – Aug. 19, 2023

125 Years Ago: From the Aug. 25, 1898 Scott County Argus

The offices of the Jacob Ries Bottling works have been transferred to the new building, and the office force is revelling in plenty of room and light, and an equipment of furniture and fixtures the like of which will not be met with in a day’s travel in the west. There yet remains many finishing touches to be put on, and it will probably be a month before they are really settled in the new quarters and ready for the final criticisms of the public.

100 Years Ago: From the Aug. 23, 1923 Shakopee Tribune

New Millinery Store to Be in Southworth Block

Mrs. A. M. Green and her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Brown, arrived here Monday from Elk River and will open a millinery store in the Southworth building as soon as the necessary changes will be completed.

The ladies have purchased the stock and fixtures from Miss J. M. Ford and have also purchased a fine line of up-to-date millinery which will be displayed at their opening. They plan to open for business today.

75 Years Ago: From the Aug. 19, 1948 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Start Work on New Building

Preliminary work on the construction of a 30×50 ft. addition to the William F. Marschall & Son farm implement and service station here got under way Monday morning.

The addition with a modern glass front will extend east from the present structure to the sidewalk line on Lewis street and when completed the combined building will have an overall dimension of 60×160 ft.

A new parts department, office and showroom will be the main … of the new unit, while the old structure will be devoted entirely to a shop and service department.

S. M. Hennen has the construction contract.

50 Years Ago: From the Aug. 22, 1973 Shakopee Valley News

Shakopee Medical Center is nearing completion, but a building materials problem has forced a changing of the opening day of business from August 11, as originally scheduled, to Monday, Aug. 22. The six Shakopee physicians who will call the new center home will conduct their last day of business in their temporary quarters adjacent to St. Francis Hospital on Friday, Aug. 24. A formal grand opening will be scheduled in September. The 11,000 square foot facility is located on 10th St. and Co. Rd. 17, and has been designed to keep pace with the growing medical needs of the community. The functional yet aesthetic design has space for up to ten physicians with the additional staff hopefully being added over the next few years. Creators of the building have been members of the American Medical Building Guild of Wisconsin. When completed next week the new facility will house complete diagnostic, x-ray and laboratory equipment and will be able to offer emergency treatment, minor surgery and some two dozen patient examination rooms.

25 Years Ago: From the Aug. 20, 1998 Shakopee Valley News

Dem-Con expansion approval is likely

The proposed expansion of the Dem-Con Landfill in Louisville Township is one step away from reality.

Earlier this summer, landfill owner Joe Pahl received a permit from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to expand the 70-acre facility to 121 acres. All that’s left to be done before Scott County grants final approval for the horizontal and vertical expansion is to take care of some minor water drainage questions, said County Environmental Health Manager Al Frechette…

If the County Board approves the expansion in September, Pahl said he plans to begin the excavation work this fall. The excavation work, to expand the landfill, will likely take about two years, he said.

By Wes Reinke

Professionally, I enjoy building and maintaining websites, and work in IT, with passions in software and system support, development, administration, and automation. One is never too old to learn and apply new skills! Outside of my IT world, I have various interests, including local history.

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