Remember When

Remember When – Nov. 12, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Nov. 18, 1897 Scott County Argus

Jerry McInerney is reshingling his town residence preparatory to its occupancy by Herman Haack and family, now living in John Bohls’ house. Mr. McInerney is well pleased with farm life on the Fischer homestead in Eagle Creek, and will remain there. The big house is quite a resort for hunters from the Twin Cities, and until the lakes froze over, Monday night, he and his good wife were kept busy caring for them. Sunday there were eleven there, and to show how fickle is hunter’s luck he relates that parties of three and four that went out together returned without a bird, while one, Prof. Hermann of Minneapolis, who went out alone, bagged 11 quail and 2 mallards, Saturday, and 8 quail, 2 ducks and a rabbit on Sunday.

100 Years Ago: From the Nov. 16, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Dell Freed of Bank Charges

Indictment Against Cashier of Defunct Security State Bank Is Dropped.

The indictment against A. T. Dell charging him with receiving deposits after the Security State bank was insolvent, has been nolled.

On recommendation of R. B. Rathbun, C. A. Youngquist, Assistant Attorney General, appeared in court on Friday, November 10, upon the hearing, State of Minnesota versus A. T. Dell. Judge Johnson of Red Wing presided. M. J. Daly of Perham and Roger Dell represented A. T. Dell.

This throws the entire responsibility for the bank’s failure on E. L. Welch of St. Paul, who was president of the defunct bank. Mr. Welch was indicted jointly with Mr. Dell but has been ill for more than a month and has not as yet been arraigned…

75 Years Ago: From the Nov. 13, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Committee to Study City Power Plant

Following the appointment of a Commercial Club committee named by Dr. W. A. Pomije, club president, to study the possibilities and problems of a municipally owned and operated electric power generating plant, W. F. Duffy, committee chairman, announced this week he would summon the group to a meeting in the near future…

50 Years Ago: From the Nov. 15, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Elementary Letter Mark Dropped

Report cards with letter grades won’t be used in the Shakopee public elementary schools next year.

Authorization was given by the school board Monday night to institute a program of teacher-parent conferences instead, with a final year-end written report on the progress of each child.

The request to drop the letter grades in the elementary levels was first made during the last school year, but was deferred at that time because of reservations on the part of board members.

Mrs. Barbara Runge, board chairman and one of the members with questions as to the value of the new system, said Monday night that she felt the principals deserved a trial of their proposed system…

25 Years Ago: From the Nov. 13, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Shakopee high to open hall of fame

Plans are in the works for a Shakopee High School athletic hall of fame, according to Shakopee high athletics and activities director John Anderson.

The hall of fame will act as a testimonial to athletes who have brought honor in themselves, their school, and the community through their citizenship and athletic achievements. With Shakopee high’s long and rich tradition of athletic competition and accomplishment, it’s only fitting that the school and community remember, recognize, and honor outstanding achievements and accomplishments of the past…

By Wes Reinke

Professionally, I enjoy building and maintaining websites, and work in IT, with passions in software and system support, development, administration, and automation. One is never too old to learn and apply new skills! Outside of my IT world, I have various interests, including local history.

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