A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.
125 Years Ago: From the Jan. 28, 1897 Scott County Argus
Marystown is a “measly” town, at present. That is, its inhabitants are undergoing an epidemic of measles, and there are few that refuse to be in fashion with mottled physiognomies. In Mat. Voelker’s family all six children are down, while John Sand and Chas. Koeper are also having their share of entertainment. As the disease properly treated is not dangerous, when it attacks the youngsters, no special alarm is felt.
100 Years Ago: From the Jan. 26, 1922 Shakopee Tribune
L. E. Dawson gave away one free ticket with each paid admission last Tuesday evening. The ticket was good for Wednesday evening’s show.
75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 23, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune
St. John’s Parish to Build Soon
Approval of a $36,000 building project for enlargement of the church and construction of a parish hall has been voted by the congregation of St. John’s Lutheran church here the Rev. Norbert A. Augst, pastor, disclosed this week.
The original plan, it was learned, called only for the parish hall but after study of architectural plans and a thorough discussion of the combined project the congregation decided to undertake the entire building program.
Decision was reached January 13 at the annual meeting of the parish, Rev. Augst said, and the responses to the fund raising work thus far have been gratifying and encouraging.
First drafts of the plans for the church and hall are now being completed by the architects and will soon be ready for the building committee to present to the bidders who will … the construction contract. The building committee is composed of T. A. Dahlgren, Carl Petrich, Mrs. Adolph Schroeder, Arthur Schulz and Otto Siems.
How soon the actual construction will get under way, it was pointed out, depends entirely upon the availability of necessary materials and the proposals of the bidders.
50 Years Ago: From the Jan. 26, 1972 Shakopee Valley News
Elementary Grading Change Proposed
Eliminate Letter Grades…
Shakopee Elementary school principals Virgil Mears and Don Tarr asked the school board Monday night for permission to poll parents at the next parent-teacher conferences regarding a proposed change in grading, eliminating letter grades except at the end of the year.
The board seemed negative to the idea, and said that if the survey of parents is taken the proposed change will have to be fully explained to parents.
The principals said the change would involve three parent-teacher conferences yearly, along with one final written report giving an average grade the child achieved during the school year…
25 Years Ago: From the Jan. 23, 1997 Shakopee Valley News
Mayor proposes councilors serve as EDA members
The Shakopee City Council on Tuesday started the process to restructure the city Economic Development Authority (EDA) by calling for a public hearing on the matter.
Last year the City Council restructured the EDA so it consisted of five Shakopee residents along with two city councilors. Before that the members of the City Council served as the EDA.
However, Mayor Jeffrey Henderson is now concerned that the EDA is holding up developers because at times the same presentation must be made to both the EDA and the council. Henderson proposed the EDA be disbanded and the City Council again serve as the membership, with EDA commissioner terms coinciding with council terms…